Why I switched to blogger.com
Well, my webpage on OCF was basically a blog. Basically I had a blog before blogs became mainstream, and updating it wasn't pain-free. Now we have all these newfangled blog sites w/ automated everything. Too good. I always wanted to update the design since I had recently learned some cool CSS tricks. But I'm digging this template that I chose.
Xanga is the sole domain of young asian girls from what I hear. I guess they like to get into intricate details about their relationship for their own future reference. Even though their friends, their friends's friends, and all the mothers of those people are reading their blog. That must be why Ambar is on there... J/K Bar. So anyways, it was either blogger.com or livejournal.com, both have pretty clean UI's. This one is working for me so far, so I'll stick to it.
I dunno how the group thing works, but they have an option for it. Join my group! I'll try to take the requisite five minutes a day to post something interesting.
I'm out.