notes to self
ok, definitely need to clean room, saw a big spider and freaked out. Nothing motivates me like the sight of huge arachnoids. I really need to sell off a bunch of stuff that I have lying around and no longer need. Time to get down to the bare essentials. Thank you giant spider.
Citibank actually approved my credit card request! Amazing. I remember Ken and I both got rejected a year ago for whatever reason. It's a CC, we are making YOU (Citibank) money. Sheez. Well actually not that much money since I always pay off my amount in full each month. I was set up for disappointment since I couldn't feel the card in the envelope, but they will be sending it out imminently. Anyways, going to be cancelling my MBNA and Bank one cards unless they offer some super platinum rewards card (which they will). Ah, the threat of cancellation. Helped me void a couple late fees that were entirely my fault, hehe. One important lesson that I learned from my dad about dealing w/ customer service. Whatever they say they
can't do, they really can. So don't back down and use the cancellation card!
Been thinking of setting up Windows Media Edition 2005 on my box. 90% of the time I'm perched on my bed watching TV or movies on my computer. Requires a remote + DVR card. Or I could just get the ATI-Remote wonder.
Hope Cal destroys UCLA :D