Tuesday, October 19, 2004
  Unbelievable ....
Additional proof why baseball and sports in general is the greatest reality show. Curt Schilling gave a courageous performance with 7 strong innings. His ankle was bleeding and yet he still fired 90+ mph fastballs at the yankees. Of course the red sox were STILL in a position to blow the game at the end. The final innings of these last few games have been like a bad car wreck. Horrifying to watch but you look anyways. At least I did, my dad was secluded in his room - too nervous to watch at times.

The reason playoff baseball is so compelling is because of the format of the game. With no time limit, the game is in the hands of the pitcher and the batter. In all other sports, at least we know that there will be a final outcome when time expires. In baseball there are no such guarantees, greatly adding to the tension. The game can end instantly with one swing of the bat. I was amazed and relieved when Foulke finally struck out the last batter. After all, the stage was set for another typical Yankee walk-off homer. His fastball only reaches 88-90 mph but he locates the pitch well and has a great change.

Of course it all could be for naught as soon as tomorrow. Hopefully game 7 will be as thrilling as the past three.

Hmm, on the other hand, screw that. I hope Boston wins 20-0.

I also have to give tremendous props to the umpires, who took the time to get two crucial calls correct. Both were split-second, especially the A-rod play (cheater!). Sure they missed some balls and strikes but they got the calls right when they counted.

I'm on the edge of my seat and I'm just a Yankee hater.
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