Saturday, December 04, 2004
  Bought a snowboard.
Was pretty crazy yesterday night. Basically found a good "buy-it-now" deal on Ebay, but was playing phone tag all night with my lil bro who was at Ski-Dazzle. I wanted him to confirm that there wasn't a better deal out there before I bit the bullet and shelled out the cash. Once he finished his recon work and assertained that no Customs were at the show, I bought it.

So my rig cost me in the neighborhood of $600. :p Yeah yeah. Way too much but I can live with it. I'll take some pictures of my setup before I ding it up on the slopes.

My bro got a good rig too. Basically bought the same shit, just a grade lower. Northwave boots, Drake supersport bindings, Burton Clash. He's pretty savvy, trading in his lift-ticket which lowered his cost to $400. Now we can board together!

Now addicted to apple cidar, keep buying those Martinelli bottles. Should grab some Apple Sidra next time I go to 99, cheaper.

Stopped playing HL2 for now, it was making me sick to my stomach. I'm not the only one - link. I lose interest in games real fast nowadays. Pro Evo 4 is fun tho, especially playing on LAN w/ my bro.

And lastly... yah Cal. Never watched a game while I was there, but now they're my team! heheheh, j/k. Must reiterate, BCS is stupid. Dunno how these coaches agreed to allow a COMPUTER PROGRAM to decide their fate. As any programmer knows, there are prolly a ton of bugs. Voting is stupid too, a playoff system is the only true way to decide who the national champion is.
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