Tuesday, January 04, 2005
  First day of work ....
Haven't had much time to post, been busy showing my cousin Amy around.

Day ONE: It didn't help that the night before I was in SF w/ Ambar's friends and had a few drinks. The first shocker was that I had to report to the Pleasanton office. I had been expecting to report to the EMC/Legato building in Mountain View. This would add another half-hour to my commute. I left very early, just in case I wouldn't be able to easy locate the office. The drive up 680 was rather scenic. I had some time to kill and was semi-nervous about starting a new job. Lots to learn, new people to meet.

Funny thing was I meet my fellow co-worker just as he was walking into the elevator. His name is Karthik and we got along well immediately. Mostly cuz we were in awe of the nice benefits we were getting. $200 a month for cell phone plan, plus $100 reimbursement for a new cell. Probably standard for most big companies but cool for me. We also get all our gas money reimbursed as well.

Then we met with our manager Mike, who also interviewed the both of us. He turned us over to Andrew, who had gone through the training program before. Andrew explained a lot about what we'd be facing in Boston. I mostly paid attention to the important details... company issued laptop, each person assigned their own hotel room, expense reports, etc. Woot! Mike then took us to lunch and we talked (surprise) about the Warriors and local bay area sports teams. Seems that Karthik is a big-time Warriors fan. :p

Since our laptops had not arrived and would have to be shipped to Boston, the day was pretty much over at 1:30pm. Since there were no Clariion install setups to shadow, the rest of the week is pretty much free as well. I just have to go to Legato to get a badge, get briefed on one of the test machines, listen to the HR guy go over the benefits packages, and touch base with my manager on Friday. And I still get paid for this week, hehe.
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