Week 4
Went bowling w/ the group, then had some drinks. Two guinness, two shots, more beers, then Bombs over Baghdad (red bull + hennessy). Now I rarely drink (you guys can vouch for me) so getting buzzed was interesting. This other guy had about two beers and was drunk immediately. Lots of people making asses out of themselves, but it's all good fun.
Then later we went back to play poker and I think I was doing pretty well but who can remember really. We were all playing pretty loose, usually Matt the poker shark cleans up but I won a bunch of pots. Maybe due to the fact that everyone was faded.
Training is getting better, we are going to break into groups now which will be fun. The consulting skills stuff was interesting as well, very Apprentice-like. We had 3 hours to figure out a storage solution for an airline company and present it to the class. Unfortunately our plan was BUNK but we winged it.
Heading into Boston tonite ...