Friday, February 04, 2005
Omg such a crazy week. I had three tests in three days, it was insane. I aced today's test and everyone was hella giddy and screwing around in lab. Then one of the team leads informed us that everyone else had left and we were free to go.

This week was better than last week. My class participation was up and my instructer will probably give me a favorable review. That should get them off my back for a little while. I had my weekly call with my manager yesterday and he was very chill as usual.

We were really happy to get out of there and that meant drinks. Linda had the ingrediants to make white Russians so she hooked that up. Paul had the Guinness cans, Vinh brought over Hennessy and Red Bull. It only took me one guinness and a few white russians to get nice and buzzed and here i am blogging. Other ppl are getting plastered as we speak. So funny to observe. We are going to go to some Italian restaurant tonight for dinner, hopefully it will be good stuff. I'm sure ppl will drink afterwards.

Currently listening to: Eminem Encore album.

EDIT: had one sam adams at the dinner, then 3 shots of patron afterwards (crazy strong tequilla). Still fine tho :) I did make one stupid comment that someone took me to task for. But whatever, we don't hang together regularly and I could care less what he thought about me. As long as I am good with my core group of people (Team West / TME / New England) that's all the counts.

EDIT2: I'm going to stop keeping tabs of drinks :P So pointless. Also going to make a point to exercise daily. Went a couple times this week so far.
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