Tuesday, March 22, 2005
  Life Inventory..
A sign of my (un) intelligence. I sold a book on amazon for $4.03 including the shipping cost. Went to the post office and found that the cheapest option was priority at $4.55. All that time and effort to lose 52 cents. Yippee.

Been trying to sell off possessions that I no longer need. I realize that I can do without a whole lot of stuff. A simple observation just by cleaning my room for the first time in ages.
Items I require:

tricked-out car

even more tricked-out computer

and more recently the treo. How I love thee... Curling up in my bed and browsing the net on my phone is sweet.

snowboard? Only in snowboard season tho.

oh yes, unlimited supply of... apple sidra!

Dry weather so I can go run! Arghhhh damn this interminable rainy weather. I recently ran relatively painfree and the feeling was awesome. Slowly getting there...

What else? Clothes? I dress decently now since it's required of me :)

Time to resurrect my fav taiwan picture taken with the trusty Powershot S45. So peaceful...

Since this turned into a picture show, here's a cool pic of Daniel's cute bird.

And finally to showcase my lil bro's awesome picture of Japan using delayed shutter mode on his Sony. I miss Japan!!!! And I really should get back to my hobby of photography.

(FYI the lack of a "woman picture" in this section does not indicate sexual orientation. Yes I still require female companionship, I just don't have a suitable photo. And yes this footnote is dumb.)


I need money:
I made my brother do my taxes and found that I get some money back from the IRS. Woot! Dinner is on me. I've actually started reading some financial articles, this stuff is more interesting once you get a bit of money to invest. Otherwise, b-o-r-i-n-g. I'd never fault someone for being uneducated about finance if they had no money ...

I've also been talking to different ppl about their various problems. Some may find this blog more of a journal than a "vent-frustration" blog. I'm not real big on divulging any personal problems, I usually try to work them out internally. Maybe it's a guy thing. I also haven't had any interesting ones lately so :/

I think I'll revert to an old excuse --> I'M SHY!

Everyone has problems, no one is perfect. Such is life...
nice pics, i'm inspired to start my own slide show. tee-hee-hee.
Don't be shy dude. You the man. My life is hella sad.

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