San Diego
so my key objectives were to:
1) beat the shit out of the rental car. (mission accomplished) Haven't floored my IS300 ever since gas prices exploded like crazy. I rarely do that anyways, that's no way to treat your baby. The acceleration on Chevy was lousy but it did make a loud noise when I floored it.
2) get my party on.
3) oh yeah that job thing. Went ok. I caught the security guy viewing porn on his computer. It had to be porn, he switched screens so quickly. Must be a slow job.
My hotel was on Broadway, an area I thought was rather seedy at first. It's right near the gaslamps area though, so the nightlife is pretty crazy. Everyone in this area is so tall. Most of the girls are my height at least, with heels.
Kiyo's sushi, got a great deal on otorro. $8 something for two pieces. Usually it's around $16. I know I know, most of you are like WHAAAAA but if you haven't tried otorro, don't hate. The chef was great, lots of stories, friendly banter. Of course I looked like the true sushi connoisseur - "One more order of otorro!" He imparted lots of advice but most of it was lost on me due to his mumbling. Apparently he knows Nobu from Iron Chef.