Thursday, October 13, 2005
  random notes
- heading back to the bay for two weeks
- been working out daily to counteract the cheesecakes :/ When I was on the sushi diet I was fine but then I discovered the local Cheesecake factory, PF Chang, etc.

- work is mostly meetings at this point. ugh
- good to have my co-worker back on the project. Everything was getting dumped to me.
- friendster tries to entice me with lots of email announcing features. Sorry, that ship has sailed
- Any Lost is good, even the weaker episodes. Locke and junkie Charlie getting a bit annoying.
- addendum to my previous post about how a computer scientist would be useless on the island. In light of finding out what is in the hatch... maybe he could reverse engineer the code in the computer to find out wtf will happen if they don't press the button.
- basketball is coming back!
- 5-0 in fantasy football, even with no QB and no 2nd WR. Even with Alex Smith almost costing me a game (Indy D scored hella pts)
- going to grab those jeans that don't fit and bring them down to Scottsdale to exchange. Crazy huh. Each GAP sells different types of jeans, haven't found one that does BOOT FIT & CARPENTER.
- Traffic lights in Scottsdale last 10 seconds. And there is a dearth of places to make legal U-turns.
- the Scottsdale effect - sushi joints play loud music and feature platinum blonde waitresses. This isn't Hooters ...
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