Tuesday, November 01, 2005
  Things on tap
Dedicating all my brainpower for an upcoming event. Hopefully I'll know this EMC stuff inside out by then.

I was going to refresh my C, C++, HTML/AJAX programming skills but so much has come up since the time I made that plan. I'll be heading back to Arizona next week for two weeks. Then a respite the week of Thanksgiving. Then back to AZ again until 12/23. I'll have to do my Christmas shopping in a few hours but what else is new. Taking on this migration project meant that I had to push back my VMware training til next quarter. Oh well, hopefully I can be proficient in Quest tools as well as EmailXtender. I still hope to take it and pass the certification. I attempted to install ESX server in a VM using Workstation 5. The install process actually completed although the VMkernel wouldn't start. If it did work I'd probably run into a bunch of recursion issues with VirtualCenter.

I still need to get bindings so I can go snowboarding on Christmas!
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