Friday, January 06, 2006
So I fly into Phoenix, show up at work on Tuesday. Everything seems out of whack because it's a short week. I'm there for around 10 minutes before the PM hits me with the bomb. One of the key members of our team (an independent contractor) is missing. has been MIA for 6 days and counting now. No one knows where he is, no one can contact him. Shocking because up until his "departure" he had been one of the most optimistic and hard-working of us all. This is the 2nd member of the Dell project team who has left on awkward terms. The first one was rejected by the customer after his application for a temporary ID badge brought to light a prior felony conviction.

Basically I look good if I show up and don't commit any felonies. :)

The worst part is that I had left my sandisk titanium USB flash drive at the conference room before leaving for winter vacation. One of the last IM's this guy sent me went something like this "you left your USB drive here, I will have it waiting for you when you return..."

My flash drive is now MIA! :( (yes I know this is very "George Constanza"-like behavior but I love that flash drive with the big blue light!)

edit: Due to a lack of personnel, the PMs had me and my buddy sit in on a job interview. They wanted us to ask some technical questions to candidates who probably knew 10x more than we did. One of the candidates happened to be someone who had worked with the "missing guy" on this previous project. A project that this "guy" had constantly mentioned as an example where he did exemplary work. It turns out he had disappeared in the middle of that project as well! At first we were worried that he was lying in a ditch somewhere or in a hospital, but this seems to indicate - "flake." (Imma track him down and find my USB drive ...)
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