Wow, I was wrong. A computer scientist would be extremely useful on the island. Write a damn program to input the damn numbers already!
Season two started out slowly but ended in a riveting manner. Apparently the writers DO have an end game so hopefully it won't turn the way of the X-Files. An interesting parallel between Lost and X-Files (just something stupid that refers to me only) that I realized... somehow from the promotions of both shows, I gained the impression that a) X-Files was based on true stories, and b) Lost was reality TV with a new person getting voted off the island each week. My stupidity eventually led me to start watching the shows.
I also got Steve so hooked on it that he went out and rented the DVDs rather than wait a day for me to burn them for him. Now that's quality TV.
+ Desmond
+ Jack
+ Locke
+ Eko
+ Jin/Sun
+ Sayid
+ others
- Charlie
- Bernard / Rose
- Hurley
- Claire
- Sawyer
- Kate