it ain't over til it's over.
This chat with Steve reminded me why I cannot stand it when someone says "It's over" prematurely. I'm 99.9% sure that if Ken doesn't insist and coming along and watching Game 6 with us, the Giants take it. [sure that's an immature take, but boohoo this is
my blog]
[22:16] kofman23: so schmitty doesn't throw 97-99 anymore?
[22:16] skuotor: 95 tops. usually 92
[22:17] kofman23: i still remember the 02 series
[22:17] kofman23: he was freakin crazy
[22:17] skuotor: he was AWESOME
[22:17] kofman23: 97 with location
[22:17] kofman23: and the NCLS vs stl
[22:17] skuotor: and then ken ruined it
[22:18] kofman23: fucking ken
[22:18] kofman23: ken ruined it man, he screwed up the karma
[22:18] kofman23: i knew it was over
[22:18] kofman23: then he had the nerve to disagree with me in the car
[22:19] skuotor: wasn't felix rodriguez's fault at all. ken fault