Slow days
I no longer worry about things I used to worry about. This is a good thing.
Yes I'm being vague ...
Anyways, I've tried to compartmentalize aspects of my life as much as possible. Kinda in line with the whole "organizational motif" that I got into in the previous year. Plus I do like the fact that if I chose to do so, I'd be able to walk away from anything and still have everything in order. I still have more clutter than I'd like, and am in the process of sorting through what I really need. I do think I could fit most of what I needed into my tiny car, although my snowboard would take up way too much room.
Speaking of snowboarding, my team recently did a day trip to Northstar. Day trips are great, especially if they happen on a
Wednesday. Heheh. My boss didn't mind cuz he went, and so did the big boss (formally my boss). It was great except for ... well ... the snow. There's no snow this season. Nothing like the powder that we had on 12/26/06. This meant I was gun-shy about doing jumps, and I completely botched on rail due to lack of speed. I improved speed-wise, even with my board desperately needing a wax. The hard packed snow shaved the rust off my edges which was nice. The most memorable moment was obviously people biting it hard, as well as this one black diamond with a million moguls which destroyed us. I spent most of the time in the air on that run with my back parallel to the ground. Everyone had fun and we'll definitely go again if it ever snows in Tahoe again.
(Company day trips are nice cuz someone else drives and picks up the tab for gas which will probably get redistributed somewhere.)
I finally figured out how to access my voicemail, and the first message was from EMC security asking me to call them.
Security: "We noticed you badged in at 4am and were standing outside next to a silver Lexus, SUV and a white mercedes. Several bags were moved from one car to the other."
Me: "snowboarding trip."
Security: "ok then sir you have a nice day."
Stop spying on me b**ches.
One last thing to reiterate to myself -- find yourself a teacher for everything you are interested in! (a good teacher cuz a bad one will teach you bad habits, then you are screwed because bad habits are worse than no habits ...) This came mostly from ping pong, but the other day I was in the gym and some guy taught the correct technique a few of the exercises I was doing. Good looking out bro.
I also need to occupy my time more productively in spite of the lull at work. I try but it's hard. Somebody motivate me. Nothing is worse than the feeling doing absolutely
nothing the whole day. It's been happening too often for me lately, since I don't have to hide under the guise of actually doing work (working from home). And here I am blogging about not doing work :/ probably not the best idea ...